Jamuna Palli Unnayan Sangstha (JPUS)
Ensure sustainable improvements to the lives of disadvantages in the society. To undertake some exceptional intensive program for the poor, oppress, destitute, asset less, exploited people for urban and rural areas of Bangladesh to bring sustainable positive changes in the life style. To promote the socio-economic and cultural status of the rural poor and vulnerable people emphasizing the women and children.
We Build
We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.
We Educate
Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.
We Strengthen
We believe that education, and employment gives people an inner strength to lead a better life.
We Find & Fund
We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.
We Provide Care
We build schools for the underprivileged children so they are encouraged to attend school with their friends.
We Consult
We run small-scale schools for the underprivileged children and youth of daily wage workers for a better future.
Featured Projects
What we care for

Nutrition Education, Health & Hygiene Project Ministry of Health for Nutrition Project
JPUS provides MCH & FP services to its clients through satellite clinic in rural and urban areas. Under this activity JPUS is carrying on contraceptive and vitamin A capsule distribution, ante natal care, post-natal care, immunization etc. JPUS provides general treatment to its clients and their family members through clinics and branch offices. MBBS doctors (part time), Paramedics, Medical Assistant have been timely engaged in providing general treatment facilities to its beneficiaries under the JPUS health care centers.

Agriculture Development
The life style and status of poor, landless and marginal families within the working area of JPUS heavily dependent on the agricultural livelihood. Because, they all belong to the farmer’s family. Their food, education, health and living status are subjected to the earning from the agriculture. So improvement of life status of target families is mostly related to the development of the agriculture. Because the whole cultivation process is ancient and production rate is very low.

Water & Sanitation Project
To ensure use of Safe water and sanitary latrine among the rural poor community JPUS have taken Utahan Boithak, School Programme on Water & Sanitation, Training on Sanitation, Slab ring distribution the following activities with assistance of NGO Forum. JPUS has been implementing an innovative approach to promote people led total sanitation in the development areas with technical and financial support from NGO Forum for drinking water supply and sanitation and HYSAWA Fund Management Unit

Education Support
Education sector is one of the most important and ongoing programs of JPUS, because nothing is alternative of education and education is the backbone of a nation. The education rate of rural areas is much more than the city areas. JPUS works in the remotest areas and most of the guardians are poor and marginal farmers.

Disabled Development
As per country survey about 10% of the general community of our country is disabled. Mostly the children and women disable-folk are helpless, avoided and neglected by their family members and society. JPUS observed that this is very dangerous and unfair from the human rights point of view.

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Program
Ensure finalization of group formation consisting of 20-25 participants and should strive for 100% attendance and active participation of VGD women in in the village organization (VO) meetings, to ensure delivery of both extensive and intensive support service.
Creation of Self-employment opportunity
Today in the society the poor women-folk are very neglected to the male-folk. Socially the poor women have home-based life where they work only in their house but not outside. But JPUS observed that they have enough scope to earn if they are involved in various income generating activities inside and outside the house. Employment creation in the rural areas is much difficult. Lakh of unemployed youths are trying their best for employment but there is no employment opportunity. So it is very difficult to arrange employment in the rural areas for the illiterate and disadvantaged women folk. For these women the organization has undertaken micro-credit program by which they can undertake small income generating activities for their self-employment and family income development. For the women group members, it has undertaken micro-credit program by which they can undertake handicrafts activities for their self-employment and family income development.
Executive Committee

Md. Rafiqul Islam Sarkar
Executive Director, JPUS
Email: jamunapallius@gmail.com