Our project list
- Help the women, children, Adolescent, School dropouts’ underprivileged and disadvantaged group to engage in non-formal educational activities;
- Life based skill education for the destitute youths & women,
- Continuing mass education & Non-formal education for eradication of illiteracy in the project Help the women, children, Adolescent, School dropouts’ underprivileged and disadvantaged group to engage in non-formal educational activities;
- Continuing mass education & Non-formal education for eradication of illiteracy in the project
- Increase additional income of the target families;
- Improve income generation activities in all spates;
- Economic rehabilitation & socioeconomic development of the poor;
- Under taking financial support activities for the landless & assets less;
- Economic rehabilitation & socio-economic development of the poor;
- Increase the overall production capacity of crops;
- Improved agricultural livelihood through development of Poultry, Fisheries, Livestock, Vegetable gardening & Agricultural Farming activities;
- Massive training performance for Transport labor for their health and wealthy life and also to create congenial atmosphere and environment in the society and the nation as a whole;
- Arrange Skill development training for the staffs on new initiatives;
- Human resource development for job seeker educated youths, entrepreneur & promoters;
- Establish Primary Health Care Support in the project areas like as:- Nutrition education, Awareness builds on MCH-FP, EPI, Water & Sanitation, COVID-19, STD/AID-HIV, Arsenic mitigation, Low cost housing
- Rehabilitate the disabled and to provide physiotherapy as deemed necessary.
- Establish Preventive Health Care Support in the project areas like as:- establish day round health care treatment, mobile clinic & satellite clinics.
- Develop information and networking;
- Establishment of Internet, Email, Mobile
- Ensure effective communication for essential measures to be taken before the disaster;
- Ensure relief and rehabilitation during the disaster period;

Fisheries development
In this project the organization maintains a good cooperation with local GoB office and beneficiaries to implement the Pond Fisheries Development= program for raising the income of the people by pond fisheries selected and trained nurserer of fisheries program who were taught to develop fingerling who were initially provided spawn. On the other hand some selected beneficiaries were developed as the model fish farmers. They were given fingerling and they bought some fingerling from the nursery owners. Nursery owners were developed as entrepreneur and they are supplying the fingerling in the whole project area.

Disaster Management & Environment Preservation
In each year there are several incidences of violence disaster such as flood, cyclone and draught are happening in our working area. Due to lack of precaution knowledge thousands of lives, millions of crops and assets destroyed. So JPUS included Disaster Management Sector with its development activities. The goal of this sector is to aware the mass population regarding the precautions what to be taken before or after disaster. The main activities of JPUS disaster mitigation are to development volunteers and to train the community people to increase their disaster management capacity.

Sapling Distribution/Tree Plantation/Nursery development:
For maintaining ecological balance and source of supplementary income, group members are provided saplings of timber; fuel and fruit trees for undertaking home based a forestation. Before sapling distribution, short orientation training about plantation, caring and nursing are provided to the group members. Programme staffs are responsible for supervision, follow- up and monitoring. JPUS has established lot of horticulture nursery in the community to provide sapling to the community and at the same time the nursery owners became a good entrepreneur and earning lot of money by selling saplings of timber; fuel and fruit trees for undertaking home based a forestation. Before sapling distribution, short orientation training about plantation, caring and nursing are provided to the group members.

Awareness Buildup/ Growing Consciousness & Group Formation:
JPUS believes the Social, Economic, Religion and Human Development may be achieved with the discussion and participation of the local people. It also believes that after motivation individuals will make group. So the organization has been organizing small groups with people from the deprived, neglected, landless, marginal farmers, divorced widow, and abandoned and destitute women. It has been motivating and conscious raising these people to develop their Socio-economic condition. It believes that greater changes of the Society may be possible through joint actions and efforts.Objectives of group formation:

Awareness creation through Public culture & Theatre Programme
JPUS working in the remotest and under developed areas of Bangladesh. Majority of the community people are unaware on health, hygiene and basic human rights. As a result they are victimizing by the local powered structured. So JPUS developed Cultural Team to make awareness buildup in the society. Folklore, Pathonatok and Jari Gan are organizing regular basis by the team. The organization has set a strategy to develop mass awareness through drama and theatre in the community. The organization staged a numerous programs like this and continuing the same. In the picture a theatre is staged on the occasion of observance of International Women day.

Various Day Observations
or the mass awareness rising on the development issues and to explore the democratic and human rights JPUS has been observing various National & International days with our group members in the project area. The Programme followed rally, discussion meeting after rally is completed. The people of walks of life participate in the occasion especially the women in the society participate in the discussion and try to establish their rights and raise voices. We have chalked out our plan to celebrate the following days such as; World Health Day, Environmental Day, Women Day, Literacy Day.